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  • Free Resource: Wheel of Life

Free Resource: Wheel of Life

We are not professionals, we are people with professions. People first, always.

As the instructions say, you should print this out as a worksheet (or redraw on a sheet of paper). Take about 5-10 minutes to review and consider the level of fulfillment you feel with each area of your life. If you aren’t meeting with a coach directly, try this exercise with a friend. Some questions you can ask each other:

  • What would it take to make _____ area an 8 or a 9?

  • What trends do you notice when you look at your wheel? What’s missing?

  • What are you learning about your life?

  • What surprises you? What doesn’t?

  • If you could focus on only one area for the next 6 months, which would it be? What would that look like?

  • What’s one action you commit to taking as a result of this exercise?

This exercise requires honesty and trust, so it’s great for small ERG groups (think breakout rooms) or 1:1 mentorship type relationships, where the power dynamics don’t allow for fear of retribution (this would not be a great activity for a manager:direct report pairing for example).Give it a shot, and let us know how it serves you! Did you make any changes? Share those too!